What is IoT?

The Internet of Things is a really fancy term for a pretty simple concept. In the simplest terms, it means providing various objects with the means to communicate, share data and work together to automate tasks and make your life easier.

What Are Examples Of The Internet Of Things?

Almost any device that can work together with another device is an example of the internet of things.

For example, your toaster and coffee maker are connected to your alarm clock so that when you wake up every morning, your breakfast is always ready at the same time. Another example, with your smartwatch or phone, you can remotely set or change the internal temperature of your home. IoT / Internet of Things is a communication network where physical objects can work together by connecting over the internet infrastructure and thus connect to large systems, creating greater value than the sum of small parts. It uses existing and emerging technology in the form of smart devices and powerful enabling technologies for data collection, automation, process sensing, networking and robotics applications, with a wide range of industrial applications, using their unique flexibility and adaptability to any environment to create complete systems for the delivery of a product or service. Leveraging the latest advances in software, falling hardware prices and modern attitudes towards technology, new and advanced elements bring about major changes in the delivery of products, goods and services with social, economic and political impact.

It can be broadly defined as the communication of everything to everything, with the impact of transforming everyday life, business and the global economy. But the concept is far broader, implying a change in almost all of today's habits and ways of doing business. It is also true that billions of physical devices working all over the world are collecting and sharing data between each other via an internet connection. Superficially, the prediction and description of a world ruled by robots is quite wrong. The definition of robots as increasing the contribution of robots to the performance of tasks and increasing brain function for more advanced technological processes and inventions is more stimulating. The most important features include artificial intelligence, connections, sensors, active interaction and the use of small devices.

AI - Artificial Intelligence - IoT makes almost everything "smart", meaning it enhances every aspect of life through the power of data collection, AI algorithms and the networks it connects to.

Connectivity - Networking technologies create small networks between system devices on a much smaller and cheaper scale, where networks are no longer solely dependent on large providers.

Sensors - They act as defining tools that transform the IoT from a standard passive network of devices into an active system that can integrate with the real world.

Active Engagement - Much of today's interaction with connected technology is through passive engagement, but IoT offers a new paradigm for active content, product or service engagement.

Small Devices - Any device that can communicate and be smaller, cheaper and more powerful.

In concept and operation, IoT is very closely related to industry and is therefore seen as the first stepping stone to Industry 4.0.

This means that countries with backward industries have to reach this threshold and only then will the same language be spoken. The answer to the question of what will happen to countries that fail to make this step is that they will spend more money and resources and only manage with outputs. It is essential that this issue, which is perhaps not given much importance, is transformed from a mere purchase of equipment into a production transition planning style. Because when this opportunity is missed, things will be more difficult than before. At the simplest level, manufacturing and marketing functions will become insurmountable.

Three Layers Of An Iot Ecosystem:

  • Data collection layer:

Where sensors, controllers and other systems collect information.

  • Network and security layer:

The physical network to which data collection devices are connected so that they can aggregate and transmit data. Security is usually applied throughout the layer to protect the data.

  • Analysis layer:

Where data is run through analytics engines to extract usable information.

Usage Areas:

IoT has applications across all industries and markets. It spans user groups from those looking to reduce energy use in their homes to large organizations looking to streamline their operations. It is proving to be not only useful but almost critical in many industries as technology advances and we move towards the advanced automation imagined in the distant future.